How to reach us We are in Pavia, Corso Garibaldi 61/A Our timetablesfrom Monday to Thursday: 9.00-12.30 / 14.30-17:30On Friday 9.00-12.30 By appointment at the following addresses info@centroassistenzastudenti.ittel. 338.7880080 erasmus@centroassistenzastudenti.ittel. 334.8969655 (solo studenti Erasmus / only Erasmus students) Ci trovate a Pavia inCorso Garibaldi 61/AOur timetablesda lunedì a giovedì9.00-12.30 / 14.30-17:30venerdì9.00-12.30By appointment at the following addressesinfo@centroassistenzastudenti.ittel. 338.7880080erasmus@centroassistenzastudenti.ittel. 334.8969655 (solo studenti Erasmus / only Erasmus students) You can also contact us by filling in the form below. Name Email Telephone Message Send